Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year to all! and pregnancy update

Well, I have been terrible about blogging lately. There have been so many things to keep us busy. We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Just last Friday we took down all the decorations and the kids helped Ron burn the Christmas tree. That was a lot of fun for them. I'll have to post some pictures of it later. We don't have a yard at all, so we had to burn it in our grill! It was not the conventional way, I guess, but it got the job done!

My pregnancy is going well and we are getting closer to the end. I have also gotten a lot bigger and more uncomfortable in these days. I am really looking forward to finishing the home stretch. Little Stephen may not be so little - I feel like he might be a big boy! I go to the doctor on Monday and we will see how he and I are doing! We have less than nine weeks left till the due date. Praise the Lord!