Friday, November 21, 2008


Yes, it is true. Even though we live in a beautiful climate. It does get pretty cold here. Last night it got down to the high 30's. I know what you are thinking . . . "That's nothing - we get much colder temps than that!" The funny thing is even though it is not as cold here, we FREEZE in our house. We have to laugh that we wear our jackets, and sweaters INSIDE, and take them off when we go OUTSIDE. Even though it warms up in the day outside, because of our tile floors and cement walls, it is COLD in our house. The last couple of days it has only been about 60 in our house. Lydia is so cute, when I change her diaper she always says "I fweesin". Well, all I can say is "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!" Have a warm and happy day!

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