We had the Harts here for three days last week and had a good time with them. We got to know them very well while we were in language school in Aguascalientes and learning under their ministry. They have been a blessing to us. We took them to the national park in Uruápan. They really enjoyed the scenery and we had fun showing it off to them! We are really blessed to live in a very beautiful part of Mexico!
(The Harts by a small waterfall at the national park.)
(Our family at the national park in Uruápan.)
Hannah just had her 6th birthday on the 4th and had a really good time. She had been counting down the days to her birthday for well over a month! And everyone knew about it! From the birthday money she received and what we pitched in ourselves, she was able to get a new bike. She is SO excited!!! She is up on the patio almost every possible moment riding it. She is just thrilled! I'll have to take some pictures of her on her bike to put on the blog soon.
Lydia is such a sweety pie - but quite the stubborn one too. Those of you who know Ron and I just can't possible imagine where she would get her stubborness from. :) She still is not walking (at 14 months) even though she would very easily be able to. She just doesn't really want to! I guess once she decides to do it she will be off and running!
Here are a couple of pictures of Lydia at our nice new playground in Morelia. Her hair was full of static from the slide in the second picture. It was so funny!
We are doing well here and the Lord is blessing! Please keep praying for our work here. We are praying and working and waiting for the Lord to do some wonderful things. We are going to be having a missions conference at our church at the end of this month. Please pray that God will do great things in the lives of our church people and that He would really burden all of our hearts more for souls around the world.
I also want to update you on the girl I told you about - Elisabeth McDonald. She has been home from the hospital for a couple of weeks now and is doing great. The skin grafts took very well and the doctors are all very pleased. They say she is about two weeks ahead of what they would expect in the healing process. God is very good. Please continue to pray for her complete recovery.
Well, I guess that is all for now. Thanks for thinking about us and checking up on us
It's great to see that all is well with you all. I just saw your comment on our post. We'll be praying for you all. The Myerly Family.
It is great to hear from you all. The Myerly family.
Hey there. I'm sure you all had a great time with the Harts. Thanks for the update on Elisabeth.
Good to hear from you! I love the picture you have across the top. I want to do that with mine but haven't figured it out yet. Is it the skin you're using or did you set it up yourself? I've been terrible at keeping current on my blog, but I did just update...finally! I'm glad you are all well!
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