Monday, June 16, 2008

Little Troublemaker!

The phrase "terrible twos" is one that any mother of toddlers can understand well. I have to say that my kids were not "terrible" when they were toddlers - but they certainly did get into a lot of things and needed constant supervision. Well, Lydia is our newest "toddler" and she is no exception. She really gets into everything she possibly can. She is very curious and she is a good climber and is determined to reach what she wants!

Having said all that, this past Sunday morning as we were getting ready to leave for church, we did not know where Lydia was. It was Fathers' Day and we were going to have a fellowship after church. I had made a fresh batch of homemade brownies the night before and that morning I cut them up and had just nicely arranged them on the plate to take to church. Well, I had given Lydia just a small taste of one (of course they had to be sampled before we fed them to anyone else) and that small taste only wet her taste buds. After a short search for her, we found her in the kitchen with the entire plate of brownies spilled on the floor. I still am not sure how she got them off of the counter. She had one brownie in each hand and just looked at us with a worried expression and said "no, no!". Well, we had to take a picture before we cleaned up the mess so we wouldn't forget that moment. Even though I knew I couldn't, I just felt like bursting into laughter. These are the pictures for your enjoyment!
So many brownies, so little time!
Which one should I eat next?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My, how time flies! It seems like it has been forever since I last updated. I have been very busy trying to finish up the school year. We have only two weeks left and I am SOOOO happy and looking forward to the break from school. We will still be very busy, it is just nice to have a change of pace. There are many things to plan and organize. I guess I will be needing to go through all of the kids' clothes and take out what is worn out and no longer fits. Then we need to go through all the toys and just basically unclutter our life. It seems like with a larger family there is always something to go through and things just seem to pile up. Praise the Lord for the summer and a chance to get everything in order again.

I had a huge blessing this last Friday. I have been without a helper here for almost a year now and with all there is to do homeschooling, ministry, living, etc......, it has been quite hectic! Well, on Friday, my previous helper came back and will be coming once a week again. I am so happy and relieved. That will take a big load off of me. I get very weary when my house is out of order, so having a helper once a week is a tremendous blessing to me. Thank you, Lord!